Classic High-End Audio
To become a classic a product has to outlive it's time. We have selected products that we feel will become the new classics. It is not a hunch it is our experience that made the call. Come and see if you agree.

True classics masters
Luxman is a brand with over 70 years experience. One of the very few with a collectors club as it has so many emblematic designs. It is a stereo only brand with offering all but speakers in various price categories.

Italian in every sence
Sonus Faber Olympica Nova is the most emblematic range of speakers with exquisite design and finish and a sound to die for. Made in Italy with the pedigree of technology innovation and style.

Mid Century design by
Davone of Denmark offer a unique take on the curvy shapes from the past century with a modern twist on materials and finish. Classics in the making with the sound to match.